So I'm sitting around on a Sunday evening watching the Eastern Conference Finals, and of course I'm subjected to the course of new commercials from all the typical NBA sponsors. Last year it was the LeBron and Kobe puppets that stole the show. This year, his Airness, Michael Jordan made a special appearance in one of the ads, and let's just say the commercial caused me to raise a few questions.
Michael Jordan has been a longtime spokesmen for Hanes for many years now. For the most part it's a solid relationship and Jordan does a good job with it. However, that may have come to an end today. The overall content of the commercial was fine. It's your typical boring commercial talk. The part that has the Internet abuzz is the mustache Michael Jordan is wearing. From what it looks lie Jordan is rocking a classic Hitler Mustache.
Seriously? No one onset suggested that he may want to shave that crap off his face? This is just sad on many levels. Or maybe Michael Jordan is finally expressing the inner evil that is within him.
It's facial hair. I think he rocks it pretty well. It's been 65 years since Hitler wore that, I think it's time we move on and accept it as another type of mustache again. We can call it the chaplin if it makes you feel better
It is ridiculous! An accepted mustache style that is back??? It is a horrible look that will never again come back; the only reason people aren't making a bigger deal of it is because Jordan's skin is dark enough that it's tough to tell what he has going on there...
Freakin Hitler destroyed a classic stache - an erstwhile smooth-ass look, especially with a soul patch. I'm with Ely - MJ looks SHARP.
Nope, Sorry. Doesn't work. Stop riding his jock. It's embarrassing.
It just looks kinda dumb, never mind that its supposed to be due to his love of Chaplin.
Check out Ron Mael from the group Sparks. He has had this for decades.
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