Okay so I am sure that some of you have noticed some changes going on around here at Walker-Sports. We are undergoing some changes with the goal of making Walker-Sports an even better site. Don't worry we will still have all the great content that you have become accustomed to, but we just want to look a little bit slicker when we do it.
The new banners and buttons have come courtesy of our dear friend Christopher Wyllie of Light, Power Magic. No matter what you need special effect for the stage or the screen as well as graphics. I'm not going to lie Chris Wyllie is a bad man when it comes to handling his business. So if you need some graphic design work or some special effects, drop my man a line and be sure to tell him that Walker-Sports sent ya.
So bare with us while we undergo some more construction but I promise you it will all be worth it in the end.
Staff at Walker-Sports
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